Thursday, March 24, 2011

the little things...

Today has been quite the day. I have ten little munchkins and they are full or energy and spunk. We have had lots of "teaching moments." To reunite everyone and to practice being kind and good friends we had dance competition and then a dance party. It's so cute to see each one's little personality come out on the dance floor. I make sure to cheer loud and to praise each one for their different moves and creativity, or just for the courage to get on the dance floor.

Lunch, like most days, is crazy---some days that's an understatement. Some days I'll put in a movie while I slave away over the stove (not really) and that helps ease the rowdiness, but since the kiddos had a hard time listening and being kind there was no movie--movies are privileges, they are not to be expected. As my patience were decreasing, at a quite a fast rate I might add, and the noise level is way higher then it should be, I looked over to check on my Shaner and he had discovered how to open the cupboard. He was so focused and would hold on to the handle with such preciseness; his face would light up as he would open and close the door. In that moment, all of the chaos went away and my little boy amazed me and melted my heart at the same time. See, it really is the little things. I thank God for that. I need those little things a lot during the day. God has given me my Shane to remind me of the simple pleasures of life. When I'm feeling overwhelmed or discouraged I will look over at him and he will flash the biggest most wet smile you've ever seen. God puts people, or even babies, in your life for a reason. It's not that I'm at my wits end or even in a funk, but some days you need the little things in life to remind you not to take life so seriously, and for a moment to forget about what's going on.

So today I am thankful for the little things and the littlest person in my life...Shane Taylor.


  1. this is so sweet Kels! loved reading it and i can see both of you in this moment. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Oh Shaney little smiley lump of love!
