Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Reflection...

Happy Mother's Day!
What an honor it is to be called "mom!" Today I was reflecting upon my first Mother's Day and all of the mother figures that have been in my life---wowzers, I am blessed! I don't know why I have been privileged enough to have met so many amazing mentors. They lead such exemplarily lives & are Godly women. Being a mom is overwhelming at times at it's a comfort to know that I have their unconditional love and support.

Children truly are a gift from God. My life is so full with Shane and Logan in it. I couldn't imagine my life not being a mom. I feel extra blessed that I get to be a daycare "mom" to 16 other children. I get to play a role in their lives and leave a lasting impression. I pray that I will have an impact on their lives & my own children's lives for God's kingdom. That I can plant seeds and watch them grow into Godly men and women.

This morning my husband wrote me a very heartfelt Mother's Day card, it actually brought me to tears. Life has been busy for the Timm clan lately and my love tank has been on low for awhile. The words that he wrote where exactly what I needed to hear. I need to be affirmed by him, and I needed to know that what I am doing as a mom and a wife matter. Sometimes we forget to tell our spouses what they mean to us and how thankful we are for them; we take them for granite and just assume that they know. Josh's timing today couldn't have been more perfect! It also has encouraged me and reminded me to let Josh know how thankful I am for him and how much he means to me.

I want to wish all of the mom's & soon-to-be mom's a very Happy Mother's Day! Thank you Nancy, Ruth, Mary & Violet for being amazing role model's in my life. I'm so blessed to have so many mom's and a grandma that have lived selfless lives and have been there for me through it all. I hope to leave a legacy like yours to my children. I love you so much!

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